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This exhibition is Doug Aitken's first solo show at 303 Gallery. As with his previous work, Aitken continues his observation of the role public images play to shape a perspective of personal experience. The installation consists of digitally created photographic images, a sound piece and two of the recent video works.


A few segments of one video were first established by Aitken as a commercial music video which employs a perfected vision that appeals to the eye. A woman, a detached character, drifts through the space, revealing almost nothing about herself. She dissolves into anonymity while the viewer is drawn in another visual landscape. The personal nature of the photographic images runs parallel to the highly stylised visual effect and content of the video works. The sound piece is played subtly, infiltrating into one's subconscious. By juxtaposing media influenced images and unexpected narrative elements, Aitken constructs the fusion of public and private in our contemporary life.